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Setup Your Match

Scoring Keys

You can use this app with some sort of remote control (bluetooth presentation remote works well). Use the space below to configure the keys that score for each player.

Player 1 Key
Player 2 Key
Correction Key

Minimum winning score for the game (can go higher depending on deuce rule). Default is 11.


Switch Sides

It is traditional to switch sides between games in a match. The scoreboard can swap sides to match if you want.

Set the number of games in a match. Must be odd. Usually five or seven.

games per match

Hey there! Thanks for using my little site. If you're having trouble with it or need some additional functionality, send me a message on my main website. If you really like it and want to let me know, you can send me a message too, Star me on GitHub!

Final Score

Press any key to start again...

Hey there! Thanks for using my little site. If you're having trouble with it or need some additional functionality, send me a message on my main website. If you really like it and want to let me know, you can send me a message too, Star me on GitHub!

Final Standing

Press any key to start again...